Andrew Wright Auctioneers and Valuers

AVAA Certified Valuer
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red dot Auctions and Private Treaty Sales

Andrew Wright Auctioneers & Valuers provides a statewide service throughout Tasmania. Our ongoing experience of over 35 years, both in Tasmania and Australia, enables us to provide a service that can be relied on, second to none.
red dot Civil Construction red dot Plant & Equipment 
red dot Agricultural  red dot Catering & Hospitality 
red dot Business  red dot Mining
red dot Earthmoving  red dot Vehicles & Trucks 
red dot Transport  red dot Antiques & Art
red dot Boats red dot Aquaculture

Our service is always confidential with our focus and loyalty towards our client. When you instruct Andrew Wright Auctioneers & Valuers you are dealing with Andrew Wright at all times.


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